

Demonstrate the impact of timely hospice referrals to reduce hospital readmissions and healthcare spending. Connect with important referral partners. Plan for the future by understanding the factors that have influenced your history. Compare your program with competitors and industry leaders on a range of operational, market and financial metrics.

Backed by decades of experience

HealthPivots has worked with hospices for decades. Our keen understanding of the unique challenges and trends in this field allows us to anticipate the questions your agency is trying to answer, whether about referral sources, cost of services, competitive dynamics or partnering with other providers. We provide all this data in clear charts and graphs to answer your most pressing market and performance questions, in a straightforward manner.

Visualize county market trends

See at-a-glance how you compare against your closest competitors. Dig into the details to understand shifts in market share for different agencies over time within a single county or a set of counties.


Understand referral patterns for your referral sources

Identify the hospitals, physicians, and skilled nursing facilities that are seeing patients before their hospice admission. See how referral relationships have shifted over time.


Calculate unmet hospital unit needs

Estimate the potential for an inpatient hospice unit for a given hospital. Approach conversations with your hospital partners armed with facts and figures delineating potential hospice unit bed demand, and with the associated reduction in inpatient hospital deaths.


Hospital CEO’s eager to talk

I have found the data from the Hospital Performance and Post-Acute Flow profiles to be very valuable and relevant with providers. When I have shared data with hospital CEO’s, they are eager and open as they analyzed their own data. Often, the CEO has shared additional information and insights with me explaining their business and why the data varied from year to year. This has helped me understand their business even more and given me additional insights as to how I can best position our organization as a key strategic partner.

Judy Seibenick, RN, MOL, CHPCA, Executive Director, Hospice of Northwest Ohio

Facilitates strategic planning and allows us to focus and target outreach efforts

We have found the information and data available in HealthPivots DataLab beneficial in facilitating our Hospice’s short term and long term strategic planning. In addition, the information regarding referral sources and their referral patterns has allowed us to focus and target our outreach efforts, resulting in double-digit growth over the past year. This unique site provides me the opportunity to benchmark my quality data against my competitors within the county as well as against state and national scores.

Joy Sexton, RN, BSN Director, JSSA Hospice

Creating a stronger community where quality of life matters

Hawai’i Care Choices is grateful for the support we receive from HealthPivots. The data and direction we derive from HealthPivots DataLab bring us closer to creating a healthier and stronger community where quality of life matters.

Brenda S. Ho, MS, RN, Chief Executive Officer, Hawai‘i Care Choices
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Insights to help you beat market challenges

  • Work strategically with partner providers

    Improve care quality and reduce system costs by sharing data with referral sources to improve timely referral to quality hospice care.

  • Educate your board and leadership team

    Illustrate key points with ready-made tables and charts downloaded directly from HealthPivots DataLab. Email an analysis directly to them with the click of a button.

  • Establish credibility with key decision makers

    Demonstrate knowledge of pain points and opportunities in potential partner organizations and gain the opportunity for an ongoing conversation.

  • Align agency strategy with service area needs

    Use data to increase average daily census, optimize length of stay, reduce hospital readmissions and improve patient share across different care settings.

National Hospice Statistics

  • 69

    Average Medicare Census for US Hospices in 2020

  • 15%

    Average Rate of Live Discharge from Hospice in 2020

  • $8,790

    Average savings for Medicare for 10 week hospice stay over conventional care in 2020

Get actionable insights today!

Learn about the quantitative market dynamics in your service area through a virtual consultation with HealthPivots staff.

Request a Free AnalysisExplore what HealthPivots DataLab can do for you